Research Overview

Saavsus is a for-profit, company engaged in translational research funded by Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant programs. Data provided through the 2014 Survey of Phase II SBIR/STTR recipients at NIH indicated that less than 50% of completed Phase II projects had resulted in any sales and that 39% of those had revenues of under $100,000 from product sales and licensing. The Saavsus approach to translational research seeks to address these revenue deficiencies. Failure to generate meaningful (as defined by the size and needs of each market) revenues indicates that the project is not impacting real world needs. Lack of revenue generation is also problematic for maintenance of the product or services developed through the grant funding. Saavsus’ mission is to address the problem of grant money goes in, but nothing comes out—and we are passionate about doing this!

Saavsus develops grant proposals informed by real world needs and delivery considerations. We do this by reaching out to intended markets prior to developing an approach to addressing problems. During Phase II projects, we are committed to continuing the outreach through a grant specific website where project progress, research and other publications, and sample content is posted. Throughout the development process we identify potential purchasers and other stakeholders through an active Internet prospecting process. We also reach out to publications, associations, and social media/influencers. Active outreach campaigns are conducted to invite interested parties to visit the website and opt-in to receive periodic project updates as new content is added to the website.

Our Chief Science Officer, Dr. Deb Johnson-Shelton, oversees a rigorous process to review scientific literature, recruit both scientific and practitioner advisors, and assemble appropriate vendors and consultants to ensure that a capable research and development team is in place to produce and evaluate the proposed product and service solution. She also serves as Principal investigator for the radKIDS2.0 Phase II grant, developing a comprehensive child victimization and safety program for elementary schools.  Dr. Jeanette Ricci, Associate Research Scientist focuses on development projects involving physical activity promotion for underrepresented groups, including minority youth and children with disabilities.  Additionally, Dr. Ricci contributes to new grant development and participates as a co-investigator on various grant projects.  Neil Vance, Chief Technology Officer, oversees the work of technology and media resources, often taking a hands-on approach to solving development challenges. Paul Berger drives project communications efforts to ensure that there is a real-world market connection throughout the life of our projects, from grant application, through development work, and into the formation of business entities that are charged with ongoing commercialization.

The results during the first two years of grant application efforts speak for themselves. Of the four grants submitted to NIH one Phase I SBIR was successfully completed in September 2023. In the August/September timeframe, one additional Phase I SBIR and one Phase I STTR along with one Phase II grant were awarded to Saavsus. Our grant awards are listed in chronical order by award date:

“Development, Feasibility, and Acceptability of Aim to Play, a User-Friendly Digital Application for Teacher Skills Training and Physical Education Activities for 3-5 Grade Elementary Students”
CDC Award # R43DP006743

“Development, feasibility, and acceptability of Aim to Play, a user-friendly digital application for teacher skills training and physical education activities for K-2 elementary students”
NIMHD Award #  R43MD018245

“Development and evaluation of a multi-media training program for elementary school bullying and abuse prevention: radKIDS 2.0”
NIMHD Award # R44MD015695

“Practice Wellness: Equipping home visitors with skills in reflective coaching, parent mediated child development, and occupational wellness to strengthen child outcomes among low-resourced families”
NIMHD Award # R41HD114332